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Template details


Hi , I'm Ahmed Hossam

7oSkaaa 7oSkaaa

About me

  • :school: I am a Junior at Faculty of Computers & Informatics at Suez Canal University.
  • :trophy: 2x ACPC Finalist.
  • :technologist: I love using Software as a solution for every Problem.
  • :computer: I am a competitive programmer at Codeforces, Atcoder, Leetcode, Codechef, Google Contests.
  • :student: I’m currently learning Computer Science and Software Engineering.
  • :nerd_face: Always learning new things.
  • :thinking: I’m currently open for a new job opportunity, this is MY RESUME.
  • :boom: You can visit MY WEBSITE.

My Competitive Programming Profiles

Code Forces LeetCode AtCoder Code Chef ICPC Global Codingame

Connect with me

Gmail GitHub Whatsapp LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Snap Chat

🛠️ My Skills

Programming languages

C C++ JavaScript Java Python

Frontend Development

HTML CSS Python JavaScript

Software & Tools

GitGitHubGoogle SheetsMark DownStack OverflowGeekf For GeeksJSONOpenGLSelenium


Visual Studio CodeJetBrainAtomEclipse

Competitive Programming & Problem Solving

CodeforcesLeetcodeHuckerrankCodeChefGoogleCodin Game

Operating Systems


Github Stats

🔥 Streak Stats


💻 GitHub Profile Stats

7oSkaaa's Github Stats 7oSkaaa

Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn’t reflect experience or skill level.

⚡ Recent GitHub Activity

7oSkaa's github activity graph

:trophy: Git profile Trophies


@7oskaa's Holopin board

:open_file_folder: My Repositories

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🐍 A Snake Eating my Contributions Graph

Snake Game

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