I'm Arya Manjaramkar
About Me! 😎
- 🏫: I’m a grade 9, High School Student.
- 🔭: I’m currently working on many small ML projects.
- 🌱: I’m currently learning Neural Networks and Deep Learning. 🧠💻🤖
- 🤔: I’m looking for help with anything I am currently learning! 😅
- 💬: Ask me about Data Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning algorithms. 📊📈🤖🧠
- 😄 Pronouns: He/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: I play Soccer, Tennis and the Piano! ⚽🎾🎹
Get in Touch! 📬
Skills I have! 🤸♂
Tools I use! 🛠️
Some of my Projects! 🎨
Certifications! 🏆
GitHub Stats! 📊
A Little Joke at the End! 🤣

Thank You! 🤵
Credit: Aryagm Last Edited on: 22/06/2021