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Hi there 👋, Bhargavi here.

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 About me

I am an undergraduate Computer science and Engineering student at IIIT-Hyderabad. C, C++, Python, Javascript, HTML, and Shell are the programming languages I am good at. I love to learn and build something new, productive, innovative and creative.

  • I am interested in Web designing, Android development, and digital marketing
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning …
    • Java
    • React js
  • 👯 I’m looking forward to collaborate on open source projects.
  • ✔ Ask me about anything, I am happy to help, only if the ball is in my court!😉
  • Outside tech, 📖 I love to read novels, 🖌️ do painting and skecthing, 🎵 listen to music, and 🌴 explore nature outdoors.
  • 📫 Reach out to me at:

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Credits: Bhargavi-hash

Date: 18/11/2021

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