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Hi, I'm Vishal Maurya!

Profile views

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💻 I am a self taught Full Stack Developer and a Machine Learning Developer
📚 I have a Bachelors in Computer Science from the University of Mumbai at India
📝 I have a strong interest in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
🔭 Working on Deep Learning & Machine Learning
🌱 Learning about Computer Vision and Machine Learning stuff
🌟 Main languages: Python, JavaScript
🚩 Interested in Full Stack Machine Learning Application development
💖 In a complicated relationship with Neural Networks
🎵 Love metal, lofi, jazz and soft music

🛠️ My Favorite Tools

👨‍💻 Programming Languages

CSS HTML Java JavaScript NodeJS PHP Python SQL

🧰 Frameworks and Libraries

Keras NumPy Pandas TensorFlow React React Native Bootstrap Django

🗄️ Databases and Cloud Hosting

GitHub Pages Heroku MySQL Firebase Microsoft Azure

💻 Software and Tools

Adobe Android Studio Chrome Colab Codepen Git Google Sheets Jupyter Postman Stack Overflow Visual Studio Code

👨🏽‍💻 Workspace

Macbook Air M1 Spotify

GitHub Stats

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Let’s Work on Your Project Together!

If you have any questions about front-end web development, feel free to contact me through email me.

You can hire me as a freelancer on Fiverr or LinkedIn to deploy your machine learning project on web.

It’s not perfect, isn’t it?


“I think it’s very important to have a feedback loop, where you’re constantly thinking about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.” – Elon Musk

Credits: I-am-vishalmaurya Last Edited On: 18/04/2022

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