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Hi there 👋 I’m Schleidens

Enthusiast web developer


About me 😁

I am Schleidens a lover of technology 😍 passionate about front end development, I work on my projects with Vue/Nuxt a front framework that I really like. I'm currently learning reactjs and nodejs (wooaaahh fullstack JS 😎). i like to learn new technology and update myself. i also like to contribute in open sources projects

working with you is already a pleasure for me 😇

  • 🔭 I’m currently Hacking with ReactJs/NodeJs/Express/TS
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning ReactJS && Node/express && TS

Keep in touch with me 😊

StreakStats 🚀

GitHub Streak

Credit: Schleidens.Dev

Last Edited on: 27/11/2022

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