github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

Template details


Hi, I’m Waren Gonzaga (:coffee::computer::bulb::heart:)

I’m a part time open source developer and cybersecurity researcher from the Philippines!

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  • :muscle: Currently working as a freelance developer.
  • :gift_heart: Author of multiple open source projects.
  • :moneybag: Looking for new clients who wants to work with me, contact me please.
  • :coffee: Coffee lover, turning it into code, you can buy me a coffee!
  • :trophy: 2020 Goals: Contribute and publish more open source projects.
  • :dart: Wasting my time to save other people’s time.

:headphones: Spotify Playing

Programming Music KPOP Music PPOP Music


:wrench: Technologies

HTML5CSS3JavaScriptNodeJSPHPWordPressSASSNPMGithubBitbucketGitlabGitVSCodeVueJSFlutterReactJSAngularJSWindowsUbuntuLinuxKali LinuxConsole

:earth_asia: My Community

Wanna see some of my future projects? Join today!


📰 Latest Blogs Posts
💻 GitHub Activities
  1. 🗣 Commented on #3095 in 24pullrequests/24pullrequests
  2. ❗️ Opened issue #9 in WarenGonzaga/fork-corner
  3. ❗️ Opened issue #8 in WarenGonzaga/fork-corner
  4. ❗️ Opened issue #3095 in 24pullrequests/24pullrequests
  5. 🗣 Commented on #82 in benawad/vscode-stories
🏆 GitHub Awards

Github Trophy

GitHub Stats

Waren Gonzaga Github Stats Top Language

:computer: Made with :heart: by Waren Gonzaga with YHWH :pray:

Credits: WarenGonzaga

Last Edited on: 17/11/2020

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