Hey there, I'm Avinash
AI Enthusiast, Open-source Contributor and Life-Long Learner
Dynamic Quotes 📜:
"Sleep😴 To Program Your Subconscious Space"
- Computer Science & Engineering - 3rd year @ Mepco Schlenk Engineering College. 🎓
- Currently working with DeepSphere.AI as a Data Science Intern. 🏥
- Looking for opportunities and collaborations in the field of data science. ✅
- Seeking opportunities to work in a challenging environments and push my boundaries. 💪
- Planning to Blog in the near future. 📝

- Data Science 📊
- Data Structures And Algorithms 💻
- Database
- English 🔤
- Tamil
Tech Toolbox🧰

Achievements :
58th Rank in Hexaware Data Science Engineer Challenge - TechGig
Eligible for Seed-Funding from Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Got selected to meet-up with Angel Investors.
📈 My GitHub Stats🎯
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