github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

Template details


Hi there! 👋 😃

A README made with Markdown, great ideas and ♥!

<🌹> About me </🌹>

My name is Helena and I’m a Brazilian front-end developer. I’m here on GitHub to:

  • Share my codes;
  • Learn more about front-end technologies;
  • Contribute to third-party projects;
  • Get inspiration and new ideas!

Feel free to visit my repositories. Doubts or suggestions, please open an issue and let’s talk!

<🛠> Tech Stack </🛠>

HTML5 badge CSS3 badge VSCode badge Git badge Github badge GIMP badge Markdown badge Linux badge

<📊> GitHub stats </📊>

Bugahontas' GitHub statsTop Langs

<📫> How to reach me </📫>

Github badge Gmail badge

Typing SVG

Credit: Candida18 Last Edited on: 25/12/2021.

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