github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

Template details


Hi, I'm Marcelo GarbinHi

Full stack web developer, Laravel, Vue.js and all the technology behind it...

  • :seedling: I'm in constant learning (currently Inertia.js with Laravel 8 / Nuxt / Tailwind CSS)
  • :octocat: I’m looking to collaborate projects that make use of PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Translations
  • :brazil: From Rio Grande do Sul, Rodeio Bonito, Brazil
  • :rocket: I'm looking for new projects and work opportunities
  • :metal: Let's Rock n' Roll and Code, baby.

Contact Me :handshake:

github linkedin instagram twitter twitter


Knowledge Base :hammer_and_wrench:

Back-end & Front-end

php javascript

laravel vuejs nuxtjs inertiadotjs

bootstrap tailwindcss html5 css3 jquery

composer webpack gulp npm yarn

wordpress opencart algolia


postgresql mysql mariadb redis


phpunit pestphp jest

Version Control & CI/CD

git github githubactions gitlab bitbucket docker

Cloud & Hosting

amazonaws cpanel apache nginx

IDE & Tools

phpstorm sublimetext pgadmin mysql phpmyadmin postman filezilla windows windowsterminal ubuntu trello slack

* Studying and improving technology skills.

GitHub Statistics :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Credit: garbinmarcelo

Last Edited on: 18/10/2021

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