I'm a 2024 CS undergrad. Currently learning Data Structures and Algorithms, while understanding and implementing the fundamentals of computer engineering and learning web development - React. I love exploring and learning new tech stack.
Thought : "Life is full of choices…choose wisely!”

About me …
✔ 🔭 I’m currently working on Web Development using Node.js and Express.
✔ 🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on exciting projects which helps us to make our lives more efficient.
✔ 💬 Ask me about Java, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React
✔ 📫 How to reach me, you can email me at Gmail
✔ 📫 Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn,If I am alive I will answer within seconds 😉
✔ 📚 When I am free, I read finance and Buisness books.
✔ ⚡ Fun fact: I started investing after watching scam 1992.😉
Language and Tools ....
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Made with ❤️ by Kajal
Credit: Kajal Kumari
Last Edited on: 14/01/2023