github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

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Typing SVG

🚀 About Me

As a seasoned full stack web developer hailing from India, I possess an unwavering passion for creating bespoke digital solutions from scratch, fueled by my insatiable appetite for coding. My current focus is on perfecting the art of React.js, a framework that has captured my heart and ignited my creativity. With over 3+ years of programming experience under my belt, I bring a wealth of technical expertise to every project I undertake. Moreover, my innate ability to seamlessly blend design aesthetics with cutting-edge technology, allows me to deliver intricate applications as well as simplistic yet elegant websites. So if you're looking for a proficient developer who takes pride in delivering quality results, look no further.

🧠 Skills Showcase


C C++ Python HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript typescript


Angular spring react nextdotjs nodedotjs


Visual Studio Code Android Studio Arduino Atom figma intellijidea jirasoftware GitHub gitlab


sqlite mysql mongodb


jss mui p5dotjs threedotjs Bootstrap tailwindcss


Android Babel firebase fireship npm openai ubuntu vite yarn Github Pages Git

Not a brag, just the truth

🔥 Some Statistics

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