Hi there 
Glad to see you here!
I'm K M H Mubin. I'm a final year student pursuing Bachelors's in Computer Science 🎓 from North South University 🏛. I'm a passionate learner who's always willing to learn and work across technologies. I love to explore new technologies and try to solve real-life problems ✨. Apart from that I also love to guide and mentor newbies 👨🏻💻. I'm currently into Full stack Development 🕸️ and working on Machine Learning 🤓.
Talking about personal stuffs:
👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on something cool 😉
🌱 I’m currently learning Full stack development and UI design.
📝 I regulary write articles on Mubin’s Odysse
💬 Ask me about anything here ! I am happy to help.
📫 How to reach me Twitter
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Languages and Tools:
📕 Latest Articles
- How To Choose A Programming Language Guide 2021
- Add Hashnode Blog On Google Search Console
- Install Google Analytics On Your Hashnode Blog
- Set Up Your Own Blog on Hashnode
- Getting Started with Hashnode
📈 My Dev Statistics:
📊 This Week I Spent My Time On
⌚︎ Time Zone: Asia/Dhaka
💬 Programming Languages:
Python 10 mins ███████████████████░░░░░░ 76.58%
Other 3 mins █████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 23.42%
🔥 Editors:
VS Code 13 mins █████████████████████████ 100.0%
💻 Operating System:
Linux 13 mins █████████████████████████ 100.0%
⚡ My GitHub Statistics
:sparkles: My followers
Somoy |
Ankush Banik |
Pyae Sone Win |
Kara Rawson |
Nguyễn Công Hoan |
Smith Gajjar |
fikritrader |
Iwan Cilibur |
Sheheryar Afzal |
Yusuf Naheem |
Xuan-Toa Tran |
Sourabh Saha |
abhi36rai |
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I love connecting with different people from around the world, so if you want to be my friend, feel free to reach out and introduce yourself and don’t just say hi, tell me about yourself 😊 💜
Credits: K M H Mubin
Last Edited on: 03/12/2020