github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

Template details

👋 Hi there! I'm (p(eter|-w)|

👋 Hi there! I'm Peter.

Digital Security Evangelist · Open Source Software Enthusiast

  • :computer: You can find my professional profile on LinkedIn
  • 🔭 I’m currently working on improving digital security
  • 🌱 I’m currently always learning new stuff
  • 👯 I’m currently exploring and getting to know Github
  • ⚡ Focus: building Federal Association Digital Security (Github, Website)

You can find more about me and my projects on my website, or instagram.


Bundesverband Digitale Sicherheit e.V.
Bundesverband Digitale Sicherheit e.V.
Deutschlands Bester Hacker - Deine Hacking Challenge
Deutschlands Bester Hacker

Published Author

Cracking eCommerce for fun and profit
Cracking eCommerce for fun and profit

Peter Wilfahrt
Chasing Digital Excellence
Chasing Digital Excellence

Peter Wilfahrt
Cracking eCommerce for fun and profit
Cracking eCommerce for fun and profit

Peter Wilfahrt

Credit: p-w Last Edited on: 29/08/2022

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