github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

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Hey there👋! I'm Prathmesh Jadhav.

Currently working as a Software Engineer

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

  • 🤔   Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
  • 🎓   Studied Computer Engineering at PICT Pune.
  • 💼   Learning about Native Application Development(Flutter and React Native).
  • 👨🏻‍💻   Freelancer


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🛠  Tech Stack

  • 💻   C++ Java JavaScript Python PHP Dart
  • 🌐   HTML5 CSS BootStrap JQuery Node.js React Django
  • 🛢   MySQL MongoDB Firebase
  • ⚙️   Git GitHub
  • 📱   Android Flutter ReactNative
  • 🎮   Unity

📈 Stats

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Credit: Prathmesh Jadhav

Last Edited on: 27/05/2021

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