github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

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Hi! I Make Accessible Websites with Modern Best Practices :wave:

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Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself :sunglasses:

I have been learning front-end web development for more than two years. I specialized in creating accessible websites. In the last year alone, I have completed more than 20 projects in Frontend Mentor. I also helped hundreds of people in the Frontend Mentor community by critically analyzing their code and giving them feedback.

My strength is my ability to create accessible websites. I pride myself on my reputation in the community by creating responsive and accessible websites. Not only that, every time I have done creating the website, I spare my time to write README to explain the process of how I created the website.

I recommend looking through the pinned repositories which showcase my current skills.

I spend my free time playing sudoku. :wink:

Technical Skills & Tools

  • HTML - The building block of the web. No website can survive without this.
  • CSS - The styling language for the web.
  • Git - Track the history of my projects. It allows me to break things with no worries.
  • Sass - CSS pre-processor. It helps me organize my stylesheets while still compiling them into a single CSS file.
  • Figma - Design tool. I use Figma when I am working with a design file. Of course, I am not a designer.
  • JavaScript - Programming language for the web browsers.
  • Powershell - I use this to work with Git and to install NPM packages.
  • Visual Studio Code - Code editor. I love this tool. It has everything that I need to write code.

Accomplishments :trophy:

Blog Posts :memo:

How about Some Bullet Points? :heavy_check_mark:

What about Some Statistics? :bar_chart:

View my activity on GitHub

Github stats

github streak

Credit: vanzasetia

Last Edited on: 09/10/2022

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