github profile readme generator - Create awesome GitHub profile README, over 300 templates | Product Hunt

Template details


Bonjour. I'm Kirill & I ❤️ code.

Currently i work at private orders but i always open for cooperation | Write to me using: Email

⏰ 29 Saturday, 06:12 | Latest follower – AhsanParadise 👋

📝 Statistics:

Most starred repos:

⭐️   3  |  👁   771 – xcaq
⭐️   2  |  👁   49 – SpotiTransfer
⭐️   8  |  👁   247 – spotify-to-vk

My stack:

📒 Python ( Middle )
📗 C# ( Junior )
📘 Golang ( Intern )

New repositories:

⭐️   0  |  👁   93 – CSES
⭐️   2  |  👁   49 – SpotiTransfer
⭐️   3  |  👁   771 – xcaq

📊 Weekly development breakdown:

Python 11 hrs 43 mins ██████░░░░  (67.01 %)
CSS 3 hrs 8 mins █░░░░░░░░░  (17.92 %)
HTML 2 hrs 27 mins █░░░░░░░░░  (14.08 %)

Other –

Credits: xcaq

Last Edited on: 30/08/2020

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