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Hi there, I’m Yue ZHAO (赵越 in Chinese)! 👋

I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and Public Policy (expected) at Carnegie Mellon University. Additionally, I am a seasoned ML software/system architect with 7 Python machine learning libraries, ~8,000 GitHub stars, and >200,0000 total downloads.

Good news: I am looking for 2021 Summer ML/DM Internship in Canada, United States, or China. Not necessarily pure research; system or AutoML related stuff would be great fit as well. Just reach out and we could work something out :)

And of course, I am still a ML/DM researcher at the end of the day.

🔭 Reseach-wise, I mainly focus on:

  • data mining topics related to scalability, reliability, and automation and
  • information systems questions related to interaction, trade-off, and cooperation between human and “AI”

😄 I am open to:

  • collaboration opportunities (anytime & anywhere & any type) and
  • research internships (open for Summer 2021). I could legally work in Canada, United States, and China

📫 Contact me by:

💬 News & Travel:

  • Aug 2020: Our paper COPOD: Copula-Based Outlier Detection (original version) has been accepted by ICDM 2020! It is a fast, parameter-free, and highly interpretable unsupervised outlier detection algorithm. The revised version and the integration to PyOD will be out soon. Nice work with Zheng Li :)
  • Aug 2020: PyHealth (a python library for Healthcare AI) is released!

Yue's github stats Top Langs

Credits: yzhao062

Last Edited on: 30/08/2020

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